Writing While Farming
Writerpreneur Operating System
Letters From A Stoic – Seneca

Letters From A Stoic – Seneca

Letters From a Stoic by Lucius Annaeus Seneca How to Live a Happy Life, One Stoic Moment at a Time It’s not how much you make, it’s how you live. Letters from a Stoic is a first-person look into how an experienced Stoic applies philosophy to ordinary life and the world around him....

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Writing While Farming
Writerpreneur Operating System
Writers write. It's a blessing and (at times) a curse. Regardless, we like to get muses' voices out to the world. This journey isn't solo, although it's reclusive at times. Focused talent.
Join me on my continuing journey to make sense of things - through the interesting lens of a farmer and researcher and, yes - a writer.