[Living Sensical] 'Tween Holidays - Take a breath...
The point of farm living, and writing, is to do what you can, when you can.
Hope your Christmas was everything you asked for. Or, ask in advance better next year. Expect better and you get better.
Subjects this week:
Farm News
Thoughts on Christmas
Writing News
Farm News
Snowing as I write this. Even though I was able to get this nice fall-type picture of the bull and our youngest heifer-calf this week.
That’s Big Red. The calf you may recognize by name, now.
And one of those amazing shots you have to be on the look out for.
Still stretching my grass out until January 15th . It’s just too warm for the snow to stick, so I don’t count it as a “real” snow. Then I sometimes have to open up the hay early or feed a half-dozen small square bails. The trick is getting it well spread out, and not enough that they’ll lay on it instead of eating it.
UPDATE: We got about 2 inches last night - and it’s thick on the ground. I’ll break some hay out - because when the cows have to dig their meals out: that’s a real snow.
Tiny Home
Of course, the things you put off… Some of the insulation below the house worked loose, so I’m seeing how I can find time to crawl under there (built-in crawl space, with those wheels) and staple it into place. I should really get energetic and cover the whole thing up with some fabric or covering - like a tarp, I think. then come back later and put furring strips length-ways to really tie it down.
I’m thinking that kitten and the dogs have gotten interested somehow. I do have some spare insulation I’ve saved, so…
(Of course, just now I’d rather be snuggling up inside rather than crawling underneath on my back in near-freezing weather outside.
Thoughts on Christmas
The old phrase: “It’s so nice when relatives visit, and it’s even more nice when they leave.”
I think it’s the schedule interruptions (and all the extra sugar) that do the worst. People you can deal with. The others are like vinegar - good on salads, but try to keep it out of your comments. You catch more flies with honey…
Nice seeing the youngest new babies now walking. And it’s nice to see their parents work to put all their toys away before they leave our house. (Yes we have a lot of toys for visiting tots - but having to take three days to put them all back is a bit of a pain.)
And don’t think that the ones who always go off and sit on the couch while two or three of us are getting the dishes cleaned isn’t noticed. Sometimes we even leave a thinly veiled constructive criticism…
Once January starts up again, the schedules will even out.
I’ve got it easy though - the cows are my crutch. Nice and quiet out there. As long as they don’t start getting out, I always wind up coming back calmer than I left.
Writing News
Videos almost done for the course. Since I’m going to be posting daily to the Writerpreneur OS newsletter, I want to get the last three out of the way.
Just yesterday I found out how to “comp” paid access to the newsletter. One email at a time. I’m thinking that the site is working as it’s intended and these three newsletters are separate. (Do let me know if you’re getting too many…)
This particular newsletter is supposed to be always free and (barring error) will come out only on Thursdays as usual.
If you aren’t getting my other writing newsletter, go to https://robertworstell.substack.com/s/writerpreneur-os for the Writerpreneur OS newsletter, where you can sign up.
So - if you aren’t signed up on the Gumroad course, then you can get a paid subscription by the month or annually on that page. (Gumroad sign up discount is still open for another week - as below.)
New Books
That new 287-page Writerpreneur OS book is still waiting for my course work to complete.
Again, if anyone want’s to become a first reader, I’ll email it to you - something to keep you occupied this winter. Reply to this email to raise your hand.
Daily Promotional Newsletters
Starting today, I’m onto posting newsletters everyday on that Writerpreneur OS section. These will continue for the next month, through the course. And include both chat and threaded discussions.
Today, I’m crunched for time. More data on that newsletter. Subscribe as above.
Again, Openings Still Available - For Now
I've limited these to just 25 spots total, so I can devote my attention to helping those few who are really interested in getting their own books written and published.
Use this coupon to get access for a 96% discount - PROWRITINGINSIDER
What you'll need to do first is to set up your schedule to get some reading and writing done daily. Every day. No excuses. Get that habit going.
All will have simple and actionable steps to get you started and rolling on writing that book (the one that's been nagging you since forever...)
Only 25 18 spots still open. And once the course is built, we'll have a release - and the price will go up for everyone else. So, do check it out: https://livingsensical.gumroad.com/l/BAPW-EvergreenBasics-001
Thanks again for opening this. And reading these books.
And leaving a rating on the Living Sensical site for the stuff you buy there.
As well as leaving recommendations on Bookbub in addition to reviews anywhere else.
You know, that "paying it forward" kinda thing.
Do keep sharing these books with your friends, too.
I hope your life is not too interesting to be overwhelming, but sufficiently engaging to keep you amused. (Like some of us here...)
PS. Again, you can always email me about anything.
PPS. Do upgrade to the paid newsletter version. That helps me keep the lights on - so I can keep this coming to you.