
Hi Robert,

I downloaded the beta-reader version of the WriterpreneurOS-Core-Basics. You mention in your newsletter of 14th March, to "Leave comments, reviews. Ask questions." so first questions are:

(1) Where do you want to receive said comments/questions?

(2) Do you have any guidelines for Beta-readers about what you want most from us? For example, I've noticed some typos, but your proofreader will sort them for you.

Cheers :)

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Comments can be left anywhere that accepts comments - newsletter or Substack Notes. Or just reply to my email. Whatever turns your crank at the time. Substack is doing a good job of keeping me posted about these, so I can answer them.

I think the only guidelines would be -

1) Please tell me what helps you most, or gives you thought, or even something I should explore more in either a newsletter or a later book. Thinking stuff. Beyond the mere keeping a reader entertained for a few hours of reading.

2) And - particularly where I've got something wrong or mis-stated.

3) How this improves your approach to writing or living better.

I'm long used to hanging my underwear out on a clothesline here on the farm, but not next to a busy road. Still, the people who stop long enough to get out of their car or truck and come over the fence to tell me what they got interested in saying - that's what I'd like to have a conversation about.


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