Jun 13Liked by Robert C. Worstell

I have good friends who raise beef cattle in upstate New York and they usually expect about 30 - 40 calves each year and like you, let the mothers do their thing in the pasture. They keep their cattle outside all year and say the cattle prefer it that way. They do have to go out every day to check on the expectant mothers and keep a written log of their cattle. If the winter is mild through Jan/Feb, the calves gain more weight and sell for more. What a life. I enjoy reading your posts too.

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Yes, cows do better the more I can keep it natural. Winters are no problem for them. And in summer, they will loaf in the shade longer, then eat at night. The twice-daily exercise keeps me in shape and them familiar with me. My sister keeps the ''cattle-log" as she calls it. I text her a picture of the newborn with its tag, and who its momma is. Scheduling them to birth in spring is easier all around.

Otherwise, it's mostly moving them to avoid over-grazing, and ensuring they have water and shelter/trees.

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