Best of luck with the rest of your calvings. I find the markings on your calves very interesting. I'm curious on how the apples will turn out. My dad lives in Wisconsin and his apple tree dropped little apples this year. He didn't know what to do with them. If it yummy, I'll have to let him know so he can try it too.

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Glad you like the calves' colorings.

This is the recipe I pulled up for my Mother. (https://www.saveur.com/article/Recipes/Christine-Ferber-Green-Apple-Jelly/)

She's got them cooked, and now has to get the juice out for jelly. They look like applesauce as she put them through a Foley Food Mill. We'll hang them over the sink, in sacking suspended from the cabinet doors over it. (Works for farm cheese, so...) I'll keep you posted. And try to get some pictures for next week's newsletter.

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