Sitemap - 2014 - Writing While Farming

How to Publish a Dozen Books in an Afternoon.

Are there Professional versus Amateur publishers?

Adding a New Distributor for Book Discovery

Making Sense of Amazon's Public Domain Policies

How to Game Amazon at Their Public Domain Publishing.

New release: How to Earn Extra Income Through Your SOHO Publishing Business

The Copywriting Classics Publishing Post-Mortem

The "News" in Self-Publishing is all DIY, not "done-for-you".

How to Publish Your eBook Bundle on BitTorrent

Choosing Your eBook Package Distributor - A Review

Leanpub Shows Their TImidity - Accepts Original Works Only.

Falling in Love with Leanpub for Self-Publishing Ease

Update: How Lulu Distributes Your eBook - on a Lag

Postcript: Tracking ebook links for fun and profit

Summary of Getting Started: Lists and Sequences

A Comparison of Distributors – Who's on First?

Book Marketing That Actually Works: Part 2

Book Marketing That Actually Works: Part 1

Budget Corks: How to Keep Your Money Instead of Watching it Drain Away

Leanpub Joins the Mix - Extending the Top Distributors List

How to Post Your eBook to Multiple Distributors - Ease and Profit

How to Make Higher Royalties From Your Books

How to Build a Public Domain (Self) Publishing Assembly Line

How to Set Up a MAC for Self-Publishing to Itunes

Why Lulu Made Me Buy a MAC for Self-Publishing

Lulu gets finicky about publishing ebooks - tsk, tsk.

Some copyright notes - where to check for public domain issues

How to Publish Public Domain Books and Profit Nearly Forever, Part 1

Focus on Value Instead of Delivery

How to Step by Step Publish on Google Play

How to Get Your Audiobook Linked Up With Your Kindle (and Hardcopy) Books on Amazon

The "Eyeball" Marketing Strategy for Self-Published eBooks

What's the difference between professional self-publishing digital products and everything else?

DIY Audiobooks for the Self-Publishing Authors - a Review of Sources

How to Publish an Ebook, Audiobook, Video Ecourse at the Same Time

You may have thought self-publishing ebooks was bad - try audiobooks...

How to Drive Yourself Sane - Checklist for Self-Publlshing

The only Constant is Change - ebook publishing continues to shift.