Sitemap - 2024 - Writing While Farming

Fall Drought Grazing - Books Aborning

The Two Types of Book-selling Success

Death by Sales Pitch - 04

Herd Mowing Success - Books Publishing

Do You Even Need to Produce Books?

Triangle: A Memoir – Part I

Mowing the Back Yard by Herd - Book Haunted

Reviving the Burnt-Out Author

The Caretaker - Death by Advertising Series 02

Farm Life Continues - as Does My Next Book

09 Evergreen Elements of a Sustainable Writing-Publishing Business

Death By Advertising 01

Weather Cooler. No New Calf. Back to Editing Before Publishing.

08 Stratagems For Writerpreneur Success

The Saga of Erotika Jones 08 (Serial)

New Calf! Cute. And I Messed Up a Hard Drive...

07 Old Keys Open Old Locks

The Saga of Erotika Jones 07 (Serial)

Weather is Spelled With Two H's - Feeding Muses Calls for Research...

The Comic Lab: Getting Started on Substack

The Saga of Erotika Jones 06

Not Your Typical Summer Weather - Kickstarter on Hold, While...

06 Escaping With Help From Your Fans

The Saga of Erotika Jones 05

Not a Story You Can Plan - Another Calf and that Kickstarter...

05 Opening Locked Doors in Walled Gardens

The Saga of Erotika Jones 04 (Serial)

Temps More Moderate - Homework on Kickstarter Continues

04 Amazon as a Criminal Mastermind

Erotika Jones 03 - Virginia Beach, VA. (Serial)

Rains, 4th of July Birthdays - Kickstarter Is Nearly Ready

03 Who's Stopping Writer Success?

The Saga of Erotika Jones 02 - Serial

Temp Just Right and Then a Flood (sigh) - Kickstarter Is Coming

02 Writer's False Hopes - Dashed Dreams

[New Voices] The Saga of Erotika Jones 01

Big Heat - Big Storm - New Book Serials

Cracking the Cashflow Code: Writerpreneurs

[New Voices] Erotika Jones - Time Bent Beau

Lightning Storm Brings More New Calves... Mystery Promo

Writing Fiction: How Authors Discover Their Best Inspiration

[New Voices] The Healers Chronicles: Birthdays - Short Story

Downhill With New Calves... TED talking Books

A Creators Guide to Writing Viral Books That Sell Forever

[New Voices] Felicity

New Calves... Kickstarting Books

Going Direct In Book Marketing - and WriterpreneurOS Introduction

[New Voices] The Girl Who Became Tomorrow

Caring for Newborn Problem Calves... And Books

Writing Fiction: A Book is a Movie — Shots and Scenes

[New Voices] Hermione

Calves - Rain - Summer Preview - Book Marketing...

Kickstarter - Social Media Suicides

[New Voices] Time Bent

New Calves! - Garden is sprouting - Books evolving...

Plans, Projects, Fiction Writing — While God Laughs

[New Voices] A Case of Missing Wings

Raining, rainy rains - Gardening and Writing In between...

Why Aren't Authors Happy Publishing Their Books?

Ghost of the Machine

[LS] Writing About Writing is Work - Cows Escaped a Flood

Writing Fiction: Learning Cliffhangers from Louis La’mour

[LS] Finding Time to Write - Cows are Content, Though

[WPOS] When proofreaders go dull - why First Readers are vital to stories

[New Voices] Mysti

[LS] Finding Water - Copywriting Breakthroughs

J. A. Konrath tells the truth about Writing and Promotion

[New Voices] The Training: Tess

[LS] Catastrophes that Didn't - with Endless Books and Fences

[New Voices] Gaia

New Release - The Content Entrepreneur

[CYL] Are You Following Your River of Interest?

[LS] Back to normal - except escaping cows and books that refuse to die

[WPOS] The Harvest of Production — Earl Nightingale

[CYL] The Mysterious Key — Earl Nightingale

[New Voices] The Lazurai Emergence

[LS] Even my writing is on fire: proofing the first, writing the second, calling for beta-readers..

[WP-Tues] The Lester Dent Pulp Fiction Writing Model

[WPOS] Basic Writing Craft

[New Voices] Ham & Chaz - C. C. Brower, J. R. Kruze

[CYL] Thoughts of Value — Earl Nightingale

[LS] Had to print a $$ proof copy. Grass is longer, calf sorting takes the stage.

Starting fiction writing from nowhere - a letter to my earlier self

A simple approach to book writing, selling, and marketing

[New Voices]The Case of a Cruising Phantom

Writing Your Book: Remove Excess Baggage — Earl Nightingale

[Living Sensical] Book done. Needs beta-readers. Grass too short, too much to do.

This Strategy Builds Your Writing & Publishing Success

55 Ways To Market Your Online Course & Increase Sales

[New Voices] Harpy by S. H. Marpel

[Change Your Life] Inventing Yourself — Earl Nightingale

[Living Sensical] Last bales served - hopefully. And the countdown is starting for new calves.

How Impatient Writerpreneurs Earn Income Faster Despite Expert Advice

How to Study Fiction Writing and Survive in One Piece

[Change Your Life] A Mistake in Waiting for Happiness

[Living Sensical] Spring bounces a lot - temperatures. Books, like grass, grow slowly.

[Writing-Publishing] Profiting From the Perennial Top-seller Book

[Writing-Publishing] Getting Re-Started From Scratch

What is an Entrepreneur—and Why?

[New Voices] “The Lazurai” — by J. R. Kruze

[Writing-Publishing] The South Park Story Circle

[Living Sensical] Spring is too early, per the calendar. Books don't care.

Marketing: How to Write A Damn Good Book

Writing Your Book: The Turning Point — Earl Nightingale

[Writing-Publishing] Finding Your Voice

[Writerpreneur] Re-learning You Own Natural Way to Write

Writing Fiction: What I Learned from Studying 227 Craft Texts

[New Voices] Why Vampires Suck At Haunting

[Change Your Life] The Flywheel of Society - Earl Nightingale

[Living Sensical] The Long Journey Continues, Twists Unravel, A Bright Future

[Pro Writing] How to Write Fresh and Alive - Without Notes

Writing Your Book: Obey Your Impulse — Earl Nightingale

The Taylor Swift Solution to the Doctorow Conundrum

Writing Your Book: How to Get Started — Earl Nightingale

[New Voices] When Death Died by S. H. Marpel

Self-Improvement: Persuading the Multitude — Earl Nightingale

[Living Sensical] February repeats - warm now, cold later, then...

[Pro Writing] Plotting the Short Story

Go Ahead and Publish Before You Get All Serious About Writing

Writing Your Book: Earl Nightingale On Writing

[Writerpreneur] The Soul of Book Marketing is Copywriting

[New Voices] Ghost Hunters

[Change Your Life] - Nightingale: The Haves and Have Nots

[Living Sensical] A Welcome Relief - Shirt-sleeve weather in January

[Pro Writing] Creating Real Writing Security

"And Now - For the Rest of the Story..."

[Writerpreneur] Mastering Copywriting for Writers

The Expectancy Factor - Introduction

[Writerpreneur] Day 26 - Lesson 0404: The Key Author Wealth Secret from Rich Dad, Poor Dad

[Writerpreneur] Day 26 - Lesson 0403: The Book as an Idea Container - Write Once, Publish Many Ways

[Writerpreneur] Day 25 - Lesson 0402: Rules for Building a Profit-Making Publishing System

[Living Sensical] You call this winter? Better take what we can get...

[Writerpreneur] Day 24 - Lesson 0401: The Sole Reason and Use For Editors

[Writerpreneur] Day 23 - Lesson 0307: Choose Your Project: You Now Have Success At Your Fingertips

[Writerpreneur] Day 22 - Lesson 0306: Your Choice of a Market Defines Your Income and Fame

[Writerpreneur] Day 21 - Lesson 0305: Choosing Your Contemporary Style For Success

[Writerpreneur] Day 20 - Lesson 0304: Choose Your Effect on Your Reader To Keep Them Riveted

[Writerpreneur] Day 19 - Lesson 0303: Choose Your Model, Raise Your Sights to Succeed

[Living Sensical] Having a cold one is one thing - but this?

[Writerpreneur] Day 18 - Lesson 0302: The Choice of a Reader Ensures Your Story is Read

Using Building Blocks to Craft and Publish Your Book

[Writerpreneurl] Day 17 - Lesson 0301: What Readers Insist the Writer Choose as a Subject

[Writerpreneur] Day 16 - Lesson 0208: Choosing The Importances Out of a Story

[Writerpreneur OS] Day 15 - Lesson 0207: The Creative Process - The Deliberate Choice

[Writerpreneur] Day 14 - Lesson 0206:How Reading Backwards Helps the Professional Writer Train his Craft

Ghost Hunters Primer

[Writerpreneaur OS] Day 13 - Lesson 0205: Reading Twice as a Writer to Improve Your Craft.

[Writerpreneur] Day 12 - Lesson 0204: Arousing Your Imagination

[Living Sensical] Big Storm Hits - More Brewing...

Short Story — A World Gone Reverse, Part 4 by J.R. Kruze and S. H. Marpel

[Writerpreneur] Day 11 - Lesson 0203: Recovering the Author's Sight: Learning to See The World as New

Short Story - A World Gone Reverse, Part 3

[Writerpreneur] Day 10 Lesson 0202: Building a Storehouse of Inspirations to Write From

Short Story - A World Gone Reverse, Part 2

[Writerpreneur OS] Day 9 - Lesson 0201: Seeing the World as Shakespeare - Suffering Fools Gladly

A World Gone Reverse - Universe Notes

Short Story - A World Gone Reverse - Part I

A Science of Getting Rich By Writing That Works

The secret to a successful life

[Writerpreneur] Day 6, Lesson 0106: Your Magic of Believing Creates Your Own Success

[Writerpreneur OS] Day 5, Lesson 0105: How to Think Your Own Success - Earl Nightingale

The Maestro — New Fiction Writing by R. L. Saunders

[Writerpreneur OS] Day 4 Lesson 0104: Count to Four and Get Anything You Want

[Living Sensical] New Year Begins - New Day, New Lesson...

Napoleon Hill Tells You 6 Evergreen Steps to Success

Second Lesson Live - With Discussion Thread

[Writerpreneur OS] Day 2, Lesson 0102 - How Any Writer Gets Whatever They Want Out of Life

Welcome to Writerpreneur OS Course!

[Writerpreneur0101] The Author Becomes What They Expect

Learning the Writerpreneur Core Basics: An Outline